How do you know if Personal Training is for you?
The biggest problem that people as of today struggle with is the lack of self-motivation to go to the gym. People can be growing out of...
How to Accelerate Healing of an Injury
Ignoring pain won't make an injury better. The method to speed recovery safely that seems to work best is: get circulation into the...
Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season
Since food is an important part of many holidays, celebrations, family and cultural traditions. In fact, special occasions often center...
Secrets of Successful Dieters - Part II
Secret #7: Turn off the Tube Time spent watching TV is time spent being completely sedentary (and thus expending minimal amounts of...
Secrets of Successful Dieters - Part I
Secret #1: Control Portions Less than 20 years ago, a standard cup of coffee with whole milk and sugar measured in at 8 ounces and 45...
Sugar - The Sweet Poison
In our over-load of an informational society, we have been told many conflicting facts about proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but one...
Why is it important to choose a Qualified Personal Trainer?
I have had the opportunity to contract with several different clubs over my 27 years in the personal training industry. I have pretty...
Is Personal Training for You?
The biggest problem that people as of today struggle with is the lack of self-motivation to go to the gym. People can be growing out of...
Is Personal Training for You?
The biggest problem that people as of today struggle with is the lack of self-motivation to go to the gym. People can be growing out of...
Why is it important to choose a Qualified Personal Trainer?
I have had the opportunity to contract with several different clubs over my 26 years in the personal training industry. I have pretty...